Trial Details
Trial status:
In follow-up (non-recruiting)
Recruitment start date:
Cancer Research UK
Chief Investigator:
Prof John Bridgewater
Recruitment target:
EudraCT number:
Contact details:
Note: For enquiries only. DO NOT use for clinical referrals.
Lay summary:
Biliary Tract Cancer Virtual Tissue Bank

A series of advanced biliary tract cancer (ABC) trials plan to investigate the value of interventions in addition to CisGem. This portfolio of trials include ABC-02,ABC-03, ABC-06, ABC-07, ACTICCA-1, PHOTOSTENT-02, and BILCAP trials. The series of studies have placed the UK, the NCRN and CRUK at the forefront of biliary tract cancer research. The relatively small number of incidents of BTC coupled with the limited amount of tissue that can be obtained from these patients makes any samples extremely valuable. The BTC Virtual Tissue Bank (BTC VTB) aims to enable future research by allowing access to the samples and associated clinical trial data through the BTC VTB Scientific Review Committee. The BTC VTB will complement the existing and future BTC trials. The collection is also made available for the wider research community via the UKCRC Tissue Directory. 

Treatment: N/A
Key inclusion/exclusion criteria:
Inclusion criteria  
  • Diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer (intra or extra hepatic, gallbladder or ampullary cancer) 
  • Male or female
  • 16 years or over

Exclusion criteria 
  • History of prior malignancy  (exceptions include in-situ carcinoma of the cervix, non-metastatic basal and/or squamous cell carcinomas of the skin, any early stage malignancy adequately resected for cure greater than 5 years previously.  Additional exceptions may apply on a trial specific basis).

Duration of recruitment: Sample collection over 5 years. 
To create a national virtual tissue bank of tissue samples from BTC patients who have participated in a clinical trial, and their associated prospectively collected clinical trial data, for high quality, peer reviewed and ethically approved research.

Current work within the BTC VTB includes the Trans-BIL program: In collaboration with Professors Andrew Beggs, Ian Tomlinson and John Primrose and Incyte, a multi-omic analysis of the BILCAP and other BTC study material will be undertaken at the University of Birmingham. The intention is to describe the natural history of specific biliary tract genotypes as well as determine the predictive data sets for multidisciplinary treatment outcome. This is under the supervision of the Trans-BIL study Group and the Biliary Tract Cancer Virtual Tissue Bank (CRUK A20171). The work is due to start imminently. For further details please contact John Bridgewater -
Trial protocols
Trial protocols must not be applied to patients treated outside trials. UCL CTC can only ensure that approved trial investigators are provided with amendments to protocols.
No protocols have been currently made available for download
Trial documents
No documents have been currently made available for download
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